Thursday, April 18, 2013

Renal Pathology

Dr. Barry  Renal Pathology

Membranoproliferatve glomerulonephritis
• Characterized histologically by alterations in the basement membrane, proliferation of 
glomerular cells, and leukocyte infiltration mainly in the mesangium
• Two types MPGN Type I and II, on the basis of distinct ultrastructural, immunofluorescence, and pathologic findings
• Type I may be primary or secondary
• (Type II: dense ribbon-like membrane deposits on EM)

• Most cases in adults are secondary to an identifiable etiology:
– Hepatitis C
– Infective endocarditis
– Lupus
– Chronic indwelling catheters
– Cryoglobulinemia
– Must exclude these before dx primary idiopathic MPGN

Cryoglobulins - MPGN
• Ig complexes precipitating in vitro when cooled below body temperature. 
• Cryoglobulinemic MPGN often appears identical to MPGN on LM, IF, and EM.
• Usually Hep C related, may be idiopathic

Diabetic Nephropathy
• Kidney disease resulting from diabetes, including effects on glomeruli, vessels and tubulo-interstitium
• A leading cause of end stage kidney disease
• Renal failure is 2nd only to MI as a cause of death in DM
• 30-40% of all diabetics develop clinical evidence of nephropathy
– 50:50 Type I:Type II in absolute terms
– (Kidney disease is more likely in Type I, but there are more Type II diabetics)
• Frequency of DN is influenced by genetics
– Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans with Type II DM have a greater chance of developing chronic kidney disease vs whites

Proteinuria occurs in 50% of diabetics (I&II), 
• Earliest: microalbuminuria (30-300mg/day albumin) and increased GFR are important predictors of future overt diabetic nephropathy
• Overt proteinuria, usually discovered 12-22 years after onset , mild at first, then nephrotic 
• Followed by progressive loss of GFR, leading to end stage failure within 5 years
• Without treatment, 80% of Type I and 20-40% of type II will develop overt nephropathy with macroalbuminuria, over 10-15 years
• Progression variable, but by 20 yr, >75% Type I and 20%Type II will progress to ESRD

DN arteriole hyalinosis

Pathogenesis of diabetic 

1. Metabolic defect (incl altered glycosylation)
– GBM thickening, increase mesangial matrix, loss 
of podocytes

• 2. Hemodynamic changes
– Similar to adaptive responses in secondary FSGS: 
increased GFR (hyperfiltration), increased 
glomerular capillar pressures, glomerular 

hypertrophy, also loss of podocytes

Summary of DN
Diabetic Nephropathy
• Thickened basement membranes
• Diffuse mesangial sclerosis
• Nodular glomerulosclerosis (KW disease)
• Global glomeruosclerosis
• Hyaline deposits
• “Capsular drops”
• “Fibrin caps”
• Hyalinizing arteriolar sclerosis
• Tubular atrophy and intersitial fibrosis

Renal Amyloidosis
Proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome
• Renal insufficiency is common

Amyloid is a pathological proteinaceous substance that results 
from abnormal folding of proteins

not a single disease-- generic term for a heterogeneous group 
of diseases that have in common tissue deposits of 
extracellular fibrillar proteins that aggerate to form a crossbeta-pleated sheets, stain positively for congo red (with 
green birefringence), and form non-branching fibrils 7.5 - 10 
nm on EM

Once deposited, amyloid encroaches upon adjacent cells and 
disrupts function

Normally light chains are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
With a plasma cell dyscrasia  excess light chain  reabsorptive 
capacity is exceeded 

light chains in urine: “Bence Jones proteins

Light-chain cast nephropathy (myeloma kidney)
• Bence-Jones (light chain) proteinuria: the light chains may combine with Tamm-Horsfall 
protein under acidic conditions to form large distinctive casts that obstruct the tubular 
lumens and induce an inflammatory response
• Precipitated by: dehydration, hypercalcemia
• Casts: amorphous masses, fractures, may be laminated, filling/distending tubular lumens
• Inflammation: multinucleated giant cell macrophage response, granulomatous

see lecture for review slides at end

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

renal pathogy - nephrotic syndrome

renal pathogy - nephrotic syndrome

"1700 L of blood filtered per day = 1 L urine"
180 L/day  (not 1700 L)  volume filtered with GFR = 125 ml/min

immunecomplex deposits may be anywhere in glomerulus 



capillaries = open?
mesangial cells - nl cellularity?
capillary loops nl or thickened?

Glomerular diseases
• Significant cause of pathology: chronic glomerulonephritis is one of the most common 
causes of chronic renal failure
• May be primary i.e. Kidney is the only/predominant organ affected (e.g. minimal change disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, IgA nephropathy)
• May be secondary to systemic conditions (e.g. SLE, diabetes, hypertension)
• The kidney is similar to other organs: it only has a limited number of ways to respond to injury:

Glomerular diseases: clinical manifestations
• Nephrotic syndrome
• Nephritic syndrome (hematuria, azotemia, variable proteinuria, oliguria, edema, hypertension)
• Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (Acute nephritis, proteinuria, acute renal failure)
• Asymptomatic hematuria or proteinuria (Glomerular hematuria; subnephrotic range proteinuria)
• Chronic renal failure (Azotemia  uremia progressing for years)

Nephrotic Syndrome

Defined as:
Marked proteinuria with excretion of: 
> 3.5 gm protein/24 hours 
 Edema

Minimal change disease: etiology
• No immune deposits, but several features point to an immune etiology
– Clinical association with respiratory infection, prophylactic immunization
– Response to corticosteroids, other immunosuppressants
• Current hypothesis:
– Some immune dysfunction with elaboration of a cytokine that damages visceral epithelial cells: electron microscopy points to primary visceral epithelial cell (podocyte) injury
• Not all immune mediated
– Nephrin mutation can lead to a congenital nephrotic syndrome (Finnish) like MCD

Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis

does not do as well as Minimal Change Disease
can progress to end stage renal disease = need transplant
can occur within hours of receiving new kidney (circulating factor)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

pulmonary flash cards

Glomerular Filtration Rate


Filtration barrier

3 layers

  • endothelium
  • basement membrane - negative charge 
  • epithelial cells with slit pores
Ultrafiltrate Composition

  • Large proteins and cells excluded at endothelium.
  • Electrolytes and small molecules are filtered.
  • Negatively charged barrier inhibits filtration of negatively charged substances.
  • Filtrate formed at rate of 100 to 140 ml/min
  • Filtrate = Plasma - Proteins (and proteinbound substances)
  • • Filtrate volume average 125 ml/min, 180 l/day.
  • • 99% filtrate reabsorbed

GFR = Starling Equation

Filtration Coefficient (Kf)
• Measure of permeability of membrane
• Normal value = 12.5 ml/min/mmHg
• Mesangial cells can regulate Kf
• Hormones and disease can alter Kf including mutations of nephrin
• Mesangial cell contraction decreases Kf
• Oncotic pressure in BS normally = zero
GFR = Kf[(PGC - PBS) - (piGC)

GFR Regulation

  • AT2 - low dose increases GFR (efferent arteriole constricts) - high dose decreases GFR by decreasing Kf)
  • Renin 
  • Glomerular tubular balance - filtrate reabsorbed (follows Na) at proximal tubule (passive)

simplified = mass balance
  • amount of substance into kidney = amount out of kidney.  amount of any substance = concentration x volume (C x V)
  • one way into kidney (renal artery)
  • two ways out of kidney (renal vein and urine)
  • If substance is filtered freely but not secreted  or reabsorbed, then amount filtered = amount in urine.
    • Cp x Vp = Cu x  Vu   rearrange of Vp 
    • Vp = (Cu x Vu)/Cp
    • Vp = GFR
    • creatinine and inulin obey the rules
    • for creatinine Cp x Vp = Cu x  Vu  = 1 mg/dL x 125 ml/min = 125 mg/dL x 1 ml/min  ---- note that creatine is concentrated 125 fold and H2O is conserved.
  • Clearance of creatinine = GFR
  • clearance of PAH = renal plasma flow (RPF)  (PAH filtered and completely secreted, so amount in urine = amount of renal artery plasma flow)

Body Fluid Compartments

  • 60 - 40 - 20 rule
  • measure using dilution of substances "trapped" in a compartment
    • AMOUNT = C x V    so V = Amt/C
Plasma osmolality = 2 x PNa + [glucose]/18 + BUN/2.8
• Protein is ignored since it usually contributes less than 1 mOsm
• [glucose] is divided by 18 and BUN by 2.8 to convert from mg/dL to mmol/L
• PNa is multiplied by 2 to account for the accompanying anion (usually Cl- or HCO3-)
• 2 x PNa gives an estimate of plasma osmolality • (will give a low value if glucose, BUN or organic acids are elevated.)

isotonic versus isosmotic clarification

  • isotonic = solution in which cell size doesn't change  
  • isosmotic = solutions with same number of particles
  • Two solutions are isosmotic when they have the same number of dissolved particles, 
    regardless of how much water would flow across a given membrane barrier. In contrast, 
    two solutions are isotonic when they would cause no water movement across a 
    membrane barrier, regardless of how many particles are dissolved.

    In the example given above, a 150 mM NaCl solution would be isosmotic to the
     inside of a cell, and it would also be isotonic--the cell would not swell or shrink 
    when placed in this solution (cell is normally ~300 mM). On the other hand, 
    a 300 mM urea solution, while still isosmotic would cause the cell to swell 
    and burst (due to its permeability). This isosmotic urea solution is not isotonic. 
    Instead it has a lower tonicity (hypotonic).

Monday, April 15, 2013

Renal Physiology

Renal Physiology

note:  click here for nephron map -  very useful for all renal lectures

renal blood flow = 20% of cardiac output

  • renal artery  interlobar a  afferent arteriole efferent arteriole
  • Pcap  40 mm Hg  - higher than most systemic capillaries
  • Capillaries are fenestrated = high Kf
    • gomerular = filtration
    • peritubular = reabsorption
      • subset = vasa recta -  surround loop of Henle in juxta medullary nephrons - get 10% of total blood flow
  • juxtagomerular cells = afferent arterioles
    • produce renin

regulation of renal blood flow

  • Intrarenal (Autoregulation)
    • Myogenic tone
      • maintains Pcap and GFR
    • Tubuloglomerular feedback
      • macula densa cells sense content of ascending tubule
      • e.g., inc. in Na delivery = high GFR = constricts afferent arteriole = dec. Pcap = dec. GFR
      • volume contraction increases sensitivity of tubular glomerular feedback
        • mediators
          • adenosine constricts afferent arterioles
          • PGE2
          • Thromboxane
          • HETE
          • Angiotensin II
      • volume expansion opposite
        • mediators
          • ANP
          • – NO
          • – cAMP
          • – PGI2    
          • – High-protein diet
  • Extrarenal (Extrinsic regulation)
    • – Sympathetic nerves– 

      • Kidneys
        •  Constricts afferent and efferent arterioles to decrease 
        • renal blood flow
        •  Potently increases Na+ reabsorption in proximal tubule
        •  Large activation decreases GFR
      • Vascular smooth muscle
        •  Constricts arteries to decrease renal blood flow
      • Endocrine
        •  Stimulates renin secretion (-receptors)
    •  RAAS
    • Angiotensin 2
      • Kidneys
        •  Constricts afferent and efferent arterioles 
        •  Promotes Na and H2O reabsorption 
        •  Increases sodium reabsorption in proximal tubule
      • Vascular smooth muscle
        •  Constricts arteries
      • Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems
        •  Increases NE release (central and peripheral)
        • Brain
        •  AT1
        • receptors in the hypothalamus stimulate thirst
        •  Stimulates ADH secretion.
      • Adrenal cortex
        •  Stimulates zona glomerulosa cells to secrete aldosterone.

Aldosterone Effects

  • Increased distal tubule
    Na+ permeability
    • – ENaC inserted into luminal
    • – Decreased ENac degradation
    • – Increased Na/K-ATPase
  • • Increased K+ and H+
    • – Increased Na/K-ATPase
    • – Increased K permeability.
ADH effects

  • • Stimulates water reabsorption in
    the collecting duct 
    • – Aquaporin inserted into luminal
    • – Increased Na reabsorption in
      ascending limb
  • • Increased urea reabsorption in
    the medullary collecting duct
    • – Insertion of urea transporters into
      luminal membrane
    • – Elevates soute concentration of
      the interstitium
  • • Vasoconstriction
    • – Elevates arterial pressure
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide  =  opposite effects of RAAS
  • • Regulation of ANP/BNP secretion
    • – Stretch of the atria stimulates ANP secretion 
    • – Stretch of the ventricle stimulates BNP secretion
  • • Mechanism of NP actions
    • – Activate NPR and guanylyl cyclase causing vasodilation.
    • – Afferent arteriole dilates more than efferent increasing GFR.
    • – Decreases Na+ reabsorption in medullary collecting duct through activation of amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels to promote natriuresis and diuresis. 
    • – Inhibits secretion of aldosterone and renin.
Prostaglandins - PGI2, PGE2 - induce afferent dilation  (help maintain GFR during fight or flight