Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Flash Cards Recommendation

Flash cards are a great study tool for medical students.  A program called Anki, is very popular and free.  It directs your study in a structured way over a period of time.  This is called “spaced repetition” and it promotes the good kind of memory; i.e., long term. The strength of Anki comes with its review feature, which shows you cards again based on how well you knew it.  After you answer each card, you will tell Anki if you thought the card was hard or easy, and it will show you the card again, either soon or in several days, based on your response.  There are many ways to review your cards using Anki: you can use your computer, phone, or do it in browser anywhere.  The review settings are very customizable, and there are even comprehensive stats.  Feel free to explore all of these settings to find one that works best for you.  If you have further questions, there are several good help videos on YouTube.  Two are listed here:
Flashcard Directions:
1.     Download the Anki client at
2.     Once loaded, create a user name.   Creating a user name is not essential for use of the flashcards on the computer on which you installed anki.  However, if you would like to use the flashcards online or on your cell phone, you will need to make a user account.
a.     You can use Anki for creating your own flashcards
b.     You can use Anki to search for shared decks of cards (there are lots of anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology decks as well as Step 1 and Step 2 decks; e.g.
                                              v.     more

3.     In the “Review” tab, you can set options on how missed cards are reviewed.

4.     Also, if you want everything you do on your computer to be synced with your online, and cell phone cards, in the tool bar, click the Settings>Deck Properties>and in the Basic tab, check the box that says sync with AnkiWeb.

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